Christcity School of Revival
Christcity School of Revival is a one year discipleship program consisting of twelve courses in two semesters. CSR sets forward a year of learning, refining, pruning and growth to ensure a lifetime of fruitfulness. We look forward to learning and growing together! For more information please fill in the form below.
The Vision of Christcity School of Revival is to produce faithful and fervent disciples of Christ.
1 Timothy 3:15 says that the Church is the pillar and ground of the truth, and the goal of this program is to establish disciples in the truth of God’s Word and ground them in the Local Church.
Biblical Teachings – Systematic study of foundational truths and spiritual principles in the Word of God.
Spiritual Disciplines -Daily involvement in prayer, worship, Bible reading and character development.
Godly Relationships – Commitment to the strengthening of relationship with God, family and the Local Church.
Semester One
- Praise and Worship
- Prayer and Fasting
- Foundations of the Faith
- Seven Protocols of Profitable Ministry
- Old Testament Survey
- The Planting of the Lord
Semester Two
- Spiritual Authority
- Names of God
- New Testament Survey
- Seven Fire Anointings
- Gospels: John & the Synoptics
- Kingdom Finances
Ministry Lab Topics:
Each Semester also includes one class per week that focuses specifically on practical areas of ministry within the Local Church.
Altar Ministry, Prophetic Ministry, Evangelism, Testimonies, Exhortations, Events and Ministry Involvement.
Tuition is $750 per semester plus books (appox. $250-$300)
Payment arrangements can be made upon registration.