
Many ministries within the church meet weekly, monthly or at regular intervals. Listed below are some of the specific areas you can be involved in.  The dates and details for these classes can be found on the events calendar on the main page. For further information please contact the church.

  • Christcity Addiction Support
  • Christcity Cafe
  • Fifty+
  • Mane Men Bible Study
  • Women’s Ministry
  • JC Revival Youth
  • ChristcityKIDS
  • Christcity Prayer
  • Christcity Creative (AV and Events ministry team)
  • Christcity Lighthouse
  • Security Team
  • Parking Ministry

Check the church Calendar for ministry dates and details.

To volunteer in any of the above ministries, please inquire with the church office to be directed to the appropriate ministry leader.


At Christcity we value biblical training.  Throughout the year we offer classes to help in your foundational growth in the faith. The dates and details for these classes can be found on the events calendar on the main page. For further information please contact the church or stop by the visitor kiosk.

  • Church Life Seminars
  • Baptism
  • Alpha
  • Foundations
  • Discipleship Small Groups
  • CTI (Christcity Theological Institute, 1 or 2 Year Certificate or 3 Year Diploma)
  • CSR (Christcity School of Revival, 1 Year Discipleship Program)