
At ChristcityKIDS we value Biblical teaching, heartfelt Worship and meaningful connection with each other as we learn to LOVE GOD with our heart, mind, soul and strength!

That they may be trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.  

 Isaiah 61:3

If you need specific information please contact us directly. If your child has specific medical or allergy requirements please contact us before your visit. Thank you for your consideration.


When you arrive at Christcity on a Sunday morning, you will be welcomed and directed to the kids registration desk found in the west hallway.  There we will assist you with a visitor check-in and answer any questions about our children’s ministry programs.

This desk has an attendant from 9:45am- 10am and during dismissal.

When you are ready to fill in a permanent registration and utilize our quick computerized check in system- please fill in an online registration form.

About ChristcityKids

Our priority is to provide a safe and loving environment to support the family during all of our weekly programming.  For added security we use a computerized check in system.  To take advantage of this express check in system please register your children. After we have received your registration we will add you to our in house check in system and you will be able to use the touch screen computers or iPads to check in before each service and a name tag and preschool security slip will be printed.

At Christcity we believe that it is important that our children worship with us.  Our children join us for our main time of corporate worship, and are dismissed to their classes before the preaching of the word.

Nursery and Mother’s Room:

The nursery is available during the full length of our services. The nursery opens 10 minutes before the start of all services. Our team of nursery volunteers will care for your baby.

Located just outside the nursery is a diaper change area and a washroom.

The Mother’s Room, located just outside the nursery, is a quiet room reserved for nursing Mothers.

*Pagers are assigned for each child so that we can contact you as needed. Please register your baby at the above link.

Preschool and Elementary Children:


Elementary (K-Gr.6) Children: (East Hallway)

Please proceed to your assigned classroom and line up at the door.

Preschool  (West Hallway)

  1. Parents, please escort your children to the Park Hallway.
  2. Children will be allowed to enter when the gate opens.   Team members will assist children to their classroom.
  3. Pagers are assigned for 2 year old children and available for others as needed.

Preschool: Adult/Parent Pick Up is required. The children will be lined up and waiting for you beside the Park Desk Counter.  Please come promptly at the end of the service.

Elementary Kids (Gr.1-6) will be dismissed at the end of class. Please arrange with your children how you would like to meet up at the end of service.  Children may wait in the classroom at the parents request.